Archive for August, 2009

By admin | August 5, 2009

SAS Certified Base Programmer 50 Questions (13)

The following SAS program is submitted: data names; title=’EDU’; if title=’EDU’ then Division=’Education’; else if title=’HR’ then Division=’Human Resources’; else Division=’Unknown’; run; Which one of the following represents the value of the variable Division in the output data set? a. Educatio b. Education c. Human Re d. Human Resources

By admin | August 5, 2009

SAS Certified Base Programmer 50 Questions (12)

The following SAS program is submitted: proc sort data=work.test; by fname descending salary; run; Which one of the following represents how the observations are sorted? a. The data set Work.Test is sorted in ascending order by both Fname and Salary values. b. The data set Work.Test is sorted in descending order by both Fname and […]