Archive for September, 2009

By admin | September 23, 2009

SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (78)

The following SAS program is submitted: data work.retail; cost = ‘20000’; total = .10 * cost; run; Which one of the following is the value of the variable TOTAL in the output data set? A. 2000 B. ‘2000’ C. . (missing numeric value) D. ‘ ‘ (missing character value)

By admin | September 23, 2009

SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (77)

Which one of the following SAS statements correctly computes the average of four numerical values? A. average = mean(num1 – num4); B. average = mean(of num1 – num4); C. average = mean(of num1 to num4); D. average = mean(num1 num2 num3 num4);

By admin | September 23, 2009

SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (76)

The following SAS program is submitted: data work.test; Author = ‘Agatha Christie’; First = substr(scan(author,1,’ ,’),1,1); run; Which one of the following is the length of the variable FIRST in the output data set? A. 1 B. 6 C. 15 D. 200

By admin | September 23, 2009

SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (75)

The following SAS program is submitted: data work.test; Author = ‘Christie, Agatha’; First = substr(scan(author,2,’ ,’),1,1); run; Which one of the following is the value of the variable FIRST in the output data set? A. A B. C C. Agatha D. ‘ ‘ (missing character value)

By admin | September 23, 2009

SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (74)

The following SAS program is submitted: data work.test; Title = ‘A Tale of two Cities, Charles j.Dickens’; Word = scan(title,3,’ ,’); run; Which one of the following is the value of the variable WORD in the output data set? A. T B. of C. Dickens D. ‘ ‘ (missing character value)