SAS Certified Adv Programmer 130 Questions (30)
Given the following SAS data set SASUSER.HIGHWAY:
SASUSER.HIGHWAY STEERING SEATBELT SPEED STATUS COUNT absent no 0-29 serious 31 absent no 0-29 not 1419 absent no 30-49 serious 191 absent no 30-49 not 2004 absent no 50+ serious 216
The following SAS program is submitted:
%macro highway; proc sql noprint; select count(distinct status) into: numgrp from sasuser.highway; %let numgrp = &numgrp; select distinct status into: group 1- :group&numgrp from sasuser.highway; quit; %do i = 1 %to &numgrp; proc print data = sasuser.highway; where status = "&&group&i"; run; %end; %mend; %highway
How many reports are produced by the above program?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 5
SAS Adv Questions |
Pls provide some explanation about your ans.
C: because two macro variables group1 and group2 that send to ‘not’ and ‘serious’