SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (24)
The following SAS DATA step is submitted:
data sasdata.atlanta work.portland work.phoenix; set company.prdsales; if region = 'NE' then output bostan; if region = 'SE' then output atlanta; if region = 'SW' then output phoenix; if region = 'NW' then output portland; run;
Which one of the following is true regarding the output data sets?
A. No library references are required.
B. The data sets listed on all the IF statements require a library reference.
C. The data sets listed in the last two IF statements require a library reference.
D. The data sets listed in the first two IF statements require a library reference.
SAS Base Questions |
could you please explain why the answer is d?
i got the answer …because both are the permanent data set and they need reference…