By admin | August 11, 2009

SAS Certified Adv Programmer 50 Questions (10)

The following SAS program is submitted: proc sql noprint; select name into : info separated by ‘ ‘ from dictionary.columns where libname=”SASHELP” and memname=”CLASS”; quit; Given that a SAS data set Sashelp.Class exists, which one of the following is generated by the above program? a. a list of names b. a syntax error in the […]

By admin | August 11, 2009

SAS Certified Adv Programmer 50 Questions (9)

Table One has five million observations. Table Two has one thousand observations. These tables have identical column attributes. Concatenating tables One and Two should result in 5,001,000 observations. Which one of the following SAS techniques uses the least CPU time and I/O operations to process? a. the APPEND procedure b. the SET statement in the […]

By admin | August 11, 2009

SAS Certified Adv Programmer 50 Questions (8)

Given the following SAS data sets One and Two: One Num Char1 1 A 2 B 4 D Two Num Char2 2 X 3 Y 5 V The following SAS program is submitted creating the output table Three: data three; merge one (in=in1) two (in=in2); by num; if in2; run; Three Num Char1 Char2 2 […]

By admin | August 11, 2009

SAS Certified Adv Programmer 50 Questions (7)

How many columns can an SQL procedure subquery within a WHERE or HAVING clause return to the outer query? a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. the same number of columns that are in the table

By admin | August 11, 2009

SAS Certified Adv Programmer 50 Questions (6)

Given the following SAS data sets One and Two: One Num Product 1 Computer 2 Printer 3 Monitor 4 Keyboard 5 Modem Two Num Product 1 Portable 5 External The following SAS program is submitted: proc sql; select product from one where exists (select * from two where one.num=two.num); Which of the following reports is […]