Archive for September, 2009
SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (73)
The following SAS program is submitted: data work.test; First = ‘Ipswich, England’; City_Country= substr(First,1,7)!!’, ‘!!’England’; run; Which one of the following is the length of the variable CITY_COUNTRY in the output data set? A. 6 B. 7 C. 17 D. 25
SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (72)
The following SAS program is submitted: data work.test; First = ‘Ipswich, England’; City = substr(First,1,7); City_Country= City!!’; ‘!!’England’; run; Which one of the following is the value of the variable CITY_COUNTRY in the output data set? A. Ipswich!! B. Ipswich, England C. Ipswich, ‘England’ D. Ipswich , England
SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (71)
Which one of the following is true of the RETAIN statement in a SAS DATA step program? A. It can be used to assign an initial value to _N_ . B. It is only valid in conjunction with a SUM function. C. It has no effect on variables read with the SET, MERGE and UPDATE […]
SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (70)
A raw data file is listed below: —-|—-10—|—-20—|—-30 1901 2 1905 1 1910 6 1925 . 1941 1 The following SAS program is submitted and references the raw data file above: data coins; infile’file-specification’; input year quantity; <insert statement(s) here> run; Which one of the following completes the program and produces a non-missing value for […]
SAS Certified Base Programmer 123 Questions (69)
A raw data file is listed below: —-|—-10—|—-20—|—-30 squash 1.10 apples 2.25 juice 1.69 The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file above: data groceries; infile’file-specification’; input item $ cost; <insert statement(s) here> Which one of the following completes the program and produces a grand total for all COST values? A. grandtot […]